Inktense in Edinburgh

Inktense in Edinburgh

When I first moved up to Edinburgh I had been enjoying a long period of almost non-stop drawing, primarily using Inktense and Graphitint pencils by Derwent but the move killed a lot of that progress. One of my new objectives is to get back into the habit of working with these pencils, especially given that Inktense has expanded the range with 28 new pencils.

Inktense pencils can be used with water to create beautiful ink washes that dry permanent and can be layered. I have loved the range since it released because they felt like they were made specifically for me and they got me drawing like never before.

As an Edinburgh local I thought I might try to capture parts of the city using Inktense pencils, merging the real locations with a touch of the unreal.

I’ll be figuring out a posting schedule over the next few weeks after deciding on the first year studies, possibly the first year might be quicker studies of city locations and show trial and error for realising differing materials with Inktense.

Project Kit

I’m likely to be working from a selection of art/watercolour refills in a Traveler’s Notebook and the passport sized version if I’m working live in the city (Though I tend to find it hard to work when I’m people can see what I’m working on, I would like to try and work live as much as possible.) I’m not as familiar with these refills with Inktense so it might be that I use Moleskine art pads, they have paper that I have found really works well with Inktense.

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